When the clocks go back, we all get an extra hour in bed. But as nice as it is to lie in, there’s a downside to this change. It makes for longer, darker nights – and that can mean your car is less secure. We’ve covered tips you can use to stay safe while driving in darkness. Here, we’ll cover things to think about while parking once the clocks go back.
The clocks going back often comes with a spike in crime. Parking your car in a well lit spot will mean thieves don’t have the chance to target your car under cover of darkness.
If you don’t have the option of parking in a locked garage, try picking a spot with good lighting or cover from cameras (these could make great additions to your driveway if that’s where you park).
Parking in a spot that makes it harder for thieves to get under your car (with the boot backed up against a wall) is also a great way to make life harder for anyone trying to take your catalytic converter.
We’ve previously talked about how leaving your car parked in the same spot for a long time can make it a more tempting target for thieves. This is worth thinking about in Autumn and Winter, when a layer of fallen leaves (or snow) can make it more obvious that your car isn’t in regular use.

Parked cars aren’t always easy to see in the dark. By parking in a well lit spot, you’re not only putting off thieves. You’ll also reduce the likeliness of being hit by a careless driver.
As well as finding somewhere with good lighting, you’ll want to avoid parking too near to a junction, or at the end of a row of parked cars. (Those are the ones that’ll be taking the bumps and bangs).
In the summer, a shady parking place might well be your first choice. But when it’s windy, that’s not such a good idea. Every time there’s a storm in the UK, you’ll most likely see news stories like this – where cars have been crushed by falling trees. Picking a spot with fewer hazards could save you a claim – and your excess.
For more tips on staying safe when it’s stormy, read this.

Fireworks are beautiful…when everything goes to plan. But explosives don’t always behave themselves. Sparks, embers, hot ash and chemicals from fireworks can all damage your cars’ paint. So think about putting some distance between your car and any displays going on in your neighbourhood.
If you’re getting your gifts for the year sorted out now, well done on your forward planning. But be sure not to leave them in the car – especially overnight. Whenever valuables are on show, your car is more likely to be hit by thieves.
For more, awesomely Autumnal driving tips, check out this blog.