It’s Blue Monday – supposedly the gloomiest day of the year. Of course, tough times can hit at any point in the year.
To help our people boost their resilience as and when they need it, we offer access to on-demand mental health support through Plumm, and flexible benefits by Thanks Ben that can be spent on anything they choose to boost their wellness.
This because we know resilience isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ thing, and it’ll look different for everyone. With that in mind, it can be useful to hear a variety of perspectives. Here, Poppy – our People and Culture Executive – gives hers.
Over to Poppy…
When I worked in the travel industry, Blue Monday was used as a marketing strategy to encourage people to book holidays and escape the winter blues!
While it started as a marketing idea, I think it’s gone beyond that and now holds a deeper purpose – and it’s a great chance to pause and reflect on our mental health check-in during a particularly difficult time of the year.
I thought I’d share some of the things I’m focusing on this January to combat those feelings of low energy and motivation:
First and foremost, I try not to be hard on myself.
I know that at this time of year, it’s natural for my energy and mood to dip compared to the brighter months. While it’s tempting to compare my productivity levels against the summer, I remind myself that the winter season is for slowing down, resting and restoring. I like to think of flowers – it’s impossible for them to bloom all year round, they settle down in winter, regaining energy and come back to life in the spring!

I listen to my body.
My body tells me what’s best for me at that time. I think it’s often overlooked and it only takes a minute to stop and take note of how you feel.
- If I feel tired, I take it easy and let myself rest – maybe with a quiet night in with a film and a face mask.
- If I feel lonely, I make an effort to get out the house and socialise – working from a coffee shop for the afternoon gives a nice change of scenery, or I’ll reach out to a friend and let them know how I’m feeling, I always feel better after speaking to them.
- If I feel restless, I know it’s time to move. This is a big one for me – It’s not always what I want to do, but it’s guaranteed to get the endorphins going and always helps me feel uplifted. Even a quick walk around my local park is all it takes to feel slightly more positive and helps me put things in perspective. This month I’ve started some new fitness classes to combine working out with a bit more social connection, which is exactly what I need at this time of year.
I nourish my body.

It’s so tempting to go for takeaways at this time of year, and don’t get me wrong – I absolutely enjoy it in the moment. But I know after, I’ll feel sluggish and uncomfortable. To avoid that, I’ve been trying to plan my meals on a weekly basis, making it way easier to grab something quick, healthy and satisfying.
That said, I’m all about balance! I love chocolate or a fizzy drink most days because they make me happy – and let’s be real, I want to enjoy my life! For me, it’s about nourishing my body in a way that keeps my energy up and my mental health in a good place. When I feel good inside, everything else definitely feels easier.